Jobben ble utført på Mittanbud

Installation of electrical plug, light and heater at apartment terrace

I'm looking at installing a new electrical plug, ceiling light (possibly smart), and terrace heater at my apartment terrace. The terrace already has electricity conducted on the ceiling wall. I would also need all documents for the job.

Denne jobben ble utført på Mittanbud den 14. jun 2020, under kategorien Elektrikertjenesterog ble utført av KW ELEKTRO AS i Oslo

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Kunden valgte KW ELEKTRO AS for å utføre jobben

KW ELEKTRO AS har utført jobber gjennom Mittanbud og har i gjennomsnitt 4.5 av 5 stjerner.

Evaluering fra kunde

Installation of electrical plug, light and heater at apartment terrace

Job not completly done, since the electricity cable was not connected to the power. The electrician actually opened the switch where the connection should have been done, since he was replacing the switch, and did not checked if the connection was there. He was just saying I don't know, I don't know. He was too laud and was not considerated about the place he worked. I would not recommend this company.

Skrevet av Gordan

juli, 2020

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