Jobben ble utført på Mittanbud
Buidling a hybel, painting of walls and floors, setup of kitchen
Hi, I have just bought an apartment that needs some work before I can move in. - First and most important thing is to set up a "hybelkjøkken"/small kitchen in the seperate part of the apartment - Painting and fixing of walls. i.e marks after pictures to be filled and most of the apartment to be painted, in the main section of it at least - "Painting"/hvitlakkering of the floors in the main section of the apartment - Fixing of the current kitchen in the main section: it has some horrible tiles that I want to remove and something new has to be set up there I might end up with setting in a complete new kitchen but will first consider less costly options, painting the fronts etc.
Denne jobben ble utført på Mittanbud den 20. okt 2020, under kategorien Entreprenører og Totalrenovering av bolig i Oslo
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