Jobben ble utført på Mittanbud

Plumbing part of the full renovation project in Frogner, Oslo apartment from 20.01.22-31.03.22

Location: Oslo, Frogner 125m2 apartment on the 4th floor Time: 20.01.22-31.03.22 This job is just a part of a bigger renovation project happening from 20th of January. Unfortunately it is not possible to get into the apartment before 20th of January, so we need the offer based on currently available information and a FINN add: As it stands right now, we need help with the following tasks and would be happy to received your offer. Kontor / Flex room (current kitchen): - Closing the pipes where they are at the moment, as we will not be using them. But we should "close" them in a way that if at one point we would like to add a washing machine there, it would be possible. Small bathroom - Shower - Sink - Change the toilet to the wall mounted one - add a membrane Big bathroom - Shower - Sink - Add a wall mounted toilet, which does not exist today, but the soil pipe is on the other side of the wall and easily accessible. - Add a membrane - pipes and a connection for the washing machine / dryer (marked with red square) - add a water heater in the ceiling Kitchen - pipes for the sink (marked with a purple square) - pipes for the dishwasher (marked with red square) As the room where the kitchen is going to be does not have water today, it needs to be taken from the bathroom and it also needs to go back there. We understand that this part can be a little complicated but would like to hear suggestions on how you would solve it. I have also added a picture of the future kitchen for thinking and discussion purposes. Please let us know how much space should we leave behind the kitchen cabinets for the pipes from the bathroom to the sink and dishwasher. Best regards,

Denne jobben ble utført på Mittanbud den 8. des 2021, under kategorien Rørleggerog ble utført av DEGALOT RØRLEGGERBEDRIFT AS i Oslo

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Kunden valgte DEGALOT RØRLEGGERBEDRIFT AS for å utføre jobben

DEGALOT RØRLEGGERBEDRIFT AS har utført jobber gjennom Mittanbud og har i gjennomsnitt 5.0 av 5 stjerner.

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