Jobben ble utført på Mittanbud

Kitchen renovation

We need help to install pre-built Epoq kitchen cabinets, whitegoods, and replace water boiler. You don't need to install worktop and things attached to it. But the lower cabinets must be installed horizontal. Location: 0664 Oslo, 1st floor in apartment building Time: begining of Febuary Work: 1. Remove old 120L water boiler which was placed at the closed corner under the worktop, and install the new water boiler inside the new corner cabinet. We will buy either OSO flex 120L or Høiax benkebereder rsb eco 120L. 2. Install 11 pre-built cabinets to the right places, cut and install plint, etc. The cabinets will be assemblyed by us from flat packs already. No need to install worktop. 3. Install built-in whitegoods in tall cabinets: microwave, oven, freezer, fridge. Install built-in dishwasher. 4. The pipe system is rør i rør, but we'd like to improve what tilstandsrapport says "Det mangler varerørpakning for vannrørene i kjøkkenet." I attach a photo what it looks like currently under the sink. 5. Make sure L shaped lower cabinets are absolutely horizontal. If the worktop facorty cannot measure and install worktop due to that it's not horizental, you must come back to adjust in due time and cover our extra cost for the factory to measure again. Important: - You must be experienced in installing kicthen and kitchen whitegoods - Because of the water boiler work, you crew should have licensed plumber and can document the work. It might be possible to only do kitchen part without replacing the water boiler, we could try to hire another plumber to remove the boiler before you come and install the new boiler afterwards. If so the work will include coming back again to ensure the cabinets are horizontal after the new boiler is installed. Thank you! Edit: we'd love to have offer combining this job and another electrician job together into a project

Denne jobben ble utført på Mittanbud den 19. des 2022, under kategorien Kjøkkenrenoveringog ble utført av RENOVA DESIGN AS i Oslo

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