Jobben ble utført på Mittanbud

* Fortsatt ledig: Building area under roof to become full size living area

I have bought a house which has saltak (please see front original, iso original attached photos). Only 1/2 of the area below roof is completed with floor and ceiling, the rest is "grov loft" which is used as storage area. We plan to remove the saltak and build the roof floor to its full height (2.4 m ceiling) with flatt tak or pulttak (please see iso design2 and front design2 attached photos). The new floor will have only 2 bedrooms and an office/living area. The stair to the roof is already built. For the size of the house, please see attached drawing. The work involves applying for exemption from Sandnes kommune. The exemption application can start in mid Jan 2022, construction can start when application is approved (Apr 2022). I am not yet the owner of the house, so we can't arrange inspection of the house. We have to work with drawing and model instead. Could you let me know how much it will cost to do this work? I have full 3D model of the house and can provide the drawings for the application if needed. Thanks Mvh, XDN

Denne jobben ble utført på Mittanbud den 15. okt 2021, under kategorien Takoppløft/Ark og Snekker i Sandnes

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Hidden Image from job nr 6
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